I read this blog post just now - on sitting up straight, and why it can be a bad idea - and I really liked it.
I've posted entries before on sitting straight -Stand up Straight? It's Not That Simple ...and I probably will in future, because this is a question that comes up again and again when we think about posture, what good posture is, and how to get it.
This post makes some very pertinent points, worth thinking about.
This post makes some very pertinent points, worth thinking about.
1. Slouching, or bad posture, is hard work. You have to do it, and sooner or later, there are consequences.
2. Sitting up straight - our usual response to the admonition - is only bad posture in the reverse direction. You are still doing it, it is still hard work, and there will still be consequences, supposing you are able to keep it up, which in most cases you're not.
3. The way to deal with this is not to do more, but to do less.
4. Do as little as you can; in fact, stop and think. Use your mind rather than your muscle. But here's the link; read it for yourself -
Why "Sit up straight" is Bad Advice
Oh yes, and an Alexander teacher can help you with this counter intuitive process. But if you can't find an Alexander Technique teacher near where you are, you can still experiment with this new way of using yourself.
Why "Sit up straight" is Bad Advice
Oh yes, and an Alexander teacher can help you with this counter intuitive process. But if you can't find an Alexander Technique teacher near where you are, you can still experiment with this new way of using yourself.
You have nothing to lose but your slouch.
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